Lucas McCoy

Birthday November 12, 1993
From Dewey Beach, DE
Skimming Since Since I was 6 or 7
Other sponsors Zap, Creature, and hopefully one day Gatorade
Favorite skim spots West Street in Dewey
Who do you skim with? The Dewey Squad and anyone on the beach
Favorite skimmers Brandon Rothe, Johnny Weber, Beaker
Goals (inside and outside skimming) To travel as much as possible and bring skim boarding to different places in the world. I want to go back to Brazil and hopefully one day make it to Portugal, Spain, and Sri Lanka
Other Sports Making noise with the team, skating, snowboarding, hooping and breaking ankles
Huge Netflix guy
Education Graduated Salisbury University in spring of 2017 with a degree in Journalism and Public Relations
How long have you been teaching camp, and why do you like it? Been teaching camp for almost 9 years and I like it because there is no better feeling than when a kid experiences the same joy I do when riding a skimboard
Fun facts about you?

My bulldog is my best friend

Social Media @ljmccoy9

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