Colton Ettwein

Birthday March 2, 2010 (9 years old)
Hometown Encinitas, California
Resides Ocean Ridge, Florida
Skimboarding since 2016
Favorite skim spots Mainland Mexico, Dewey & OBX
Who do you skim with?
Corey Klitz, Cooper Forcucci, Mia Blakeslee
Favorite skimmers
Blair Conklin, Perry Pruitt, Johnny Weber, Lucas Fink
Other sponsors Exile Skimboards, Elev8, GROM, Island Water Sports,
White Pelican Sunscreen, Never Board
Goals (inside and outside skimming)
Win all 5000 points again this season on the SkimUSA tour. Get 5-shuvs on lock. Win the AAU Karate National Championships.
Play other sports?
Surfing, soccer, skateboarding, karate
Fun facts about you? I like pizza and mint moose tracks ice cream.
Social Media @skimbunctious

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