Brian Stoehr

Age 38
From Rehoboth Beach, DE
How long you been riding? Since I was 6, so 32 years
Favorite spots Indian River inlet, Wedge, Soup Bowls, and a few spots in Indonesia
Who do you ride with? Anyone and everyone!
Favorite riders Kelly Slater is one of the greatest athletes in the world in my book. Skim boarders over the past 10 years have opened my eyes to new types of wave riding.  In Body boarding, I have always looked up to Jay Reale
Other Sports Golf
Hobbies My hobby is my occupation! Riding waves and passing it on to others
Education University of Maryland and Salisbury University
How long have you been teaching camp, and why do you like it? I have been teaching for over 20 years, and at this point in my career it is my favorite thing to do.  I get so much joy out of passing on this sport as I do riding waves myself. It is honestly one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done.
Fun facts about you? I have won the US Pro Tour 2 times in my career
Social Media @brianstoehr

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